Places To Visit In Khulna District - Mosjidkur Mosque

Masjidkund Mosque is located in Amadi Union of Koira Upazila of Khulna District. It is one of the archaeological monuments and sightseeing places of


Places To Visit In Khulna District - Mosjidkur Mosque
Places To Visit In Khulna District - Mosjidkur Mosque

Places To Visit In Khulna District - Mosjidkur Mosque

Sightseeing places of Khulna district - Masjidkund Mosque

Masjidkund Mosque is located in Amadi Union of Koira Upazila of Khulna District. It is one of the archaeological monuments and sightseeing places of Bangladesh. The Kapotaksha river flows by the side of the mosque and the Sundarbans is very close to it.

History of Masjidkund Mosque

History of Masjidkund Mosque
The mosque was discovered after the partition of India in 1947. Earlier this area was full of forest and various trees. Later excavations were carried out and this underground mosque was discovered. Since no inscriptions were found at the time of the mosque's discovery, the exact date of its construction is unknown. As the mosque was discovered by digging underground, it was named Masjidkund. But archaeologists believe that this mosque was probably built during the reign of Khan Jahan.

Masjidkund mosque infrastructure

Each wall of the Masjidkund mosque is about 7 feet wide. It was built in a square shape with external and internal lengths of 54 and 39 feet respectively. The mosque has three doors in front and four stone pillars inside. There are a total of 9 domes in three rows with walls and pillars.


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